Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Super EASY! 3 Colors and 3 Christmas Pancake Art Design Ideas!

I have three super easy Christmas pancake art design ideas to share with you today! I've wanted to create this type of tutorial for awhile now where I show you several EASY different options that you can create with just a few colors. 

Every time we do pancake art in a group activity, people want several ideas to just get them started and afterwards...creativity gets flowing. I hope these ideas inspire you to have some fun this holiday season!

 Consider doing pancake art with your kids during Christmas break. It always keeps my kids busy for about an hour and they get a creative snack too. That's a win win!

 All you need is three colors: Green (I mixed Teal & Leaf Green), Red and White (no color). Here's a list of all the products I use for pancake art and Here's a video I created to show my step by step process.

My kid's first Snowman for the Winter Season!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! I'll chat with you in the comments below!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Heart of Thanksgiving

My daughter's Turkey pancake!
What does your family do for Thanksgiving? When I was young, we would go around the room during my extended family's celebration and say what we're thankful for. Does your family do that?
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the things were thankful for, but what if even during this season, we remembered to thank the Lord for the hard times too? That sounds kind of crazy in a way, I know, but the hard times can make us stronger if we choose to let them.

Its easy to remember to praise the Lord when good things happen but not so much during the bad times. Hardships can either bring us closer to God, or farther away. I believe in my heart that praising the Lord will keep our eyes on Him instead of our circumstances and because of this, we will trust Him more and struggle less.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

This Thanksgiving, let's work on being thankful for the good things in our lives and the hardships too because we're building a stronger character in Christ as we praise him in all circumstances!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Teardrop Camper Pancake Video

Be sure to check out my latest video tutorial where I show you how to make a teardrop camper in pancake art! Click HERE! 

 In this video I talk about taking risks and why they're so hard to take. Following after Christ isn't easy and it's certainly not the popular route to travel...but its THE risk worth taking!

 The tree in our front yard is blossoming and it's so pretty!

Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. 
For wide is the gate and broad is the 
road that leads to destruction, and many enter 
through it. But small is the gate and narrow
 the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring & Easter Pancake Art Round Up

Just in case you haven't seen these yet, I gathered a few Spring & Easter pancakes that I've created in the past to share with you. Some of them are from my old blog and I don't have a link to them but others are from my YouTube Channel. If you try any of these pancakes, let me know. I would love to see what you created!

My son informed me that he's already trying to catch frogs in the field behind our house. All I can say is that I hope he doesn't get too muddy and I hope he keeps the frogs outside. Ha!

Spring is looking fabulous in our backyard!!

Happy Spring & Happy Easter!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

EASY!! Cactus and Sunshine Pancake Art Tutorial

With winter going strong and the days often being dark outside, I've been craving a little sunshine about you?

I thought it would be fun to spread some sunshine to my kids and make them these cute cactus and sunshine pancakes for an after school snack! 

I've put together a tutorial so that you can make them also!

For a full list of the pancake mix/products I use, check out this page HERE.

Today you'll need four colors: 
orange, yellow, green and light green

You'll also need: 
Miniature chocolate chips 

Oil and set your griddle to 200 degrees.

Draw a small cactus with your green batter.
Taking your light green batter, trace around your cactus.
Flip the cactus when it looses its shine and is bubbly.
Draw lots of tiny orange dots and let them cook completely.
(these will be cactus flower petals)

You will also need to make several extra dots for noses on the sunshine pancake.

Draw a yellow dot 
(this will be the center of the cactus flower)

Place the cooked orange dots into the wet yellow batter to form a flower. Let the yellow dot fully cook.

To create the sun:
1. draw a medium sized circle with yellow
2. trace around the circle with orange batter
3. place yellow dots around the circle
4: Let it get bubbly before flipping the pancake

Add miniature chocolate chips for eyes on the sunshine and use any extra orange dots for little noses.

Since I made my kids these pancakes as a snack for later, I wrapped them up in plastic wrap and put them in the fridge. 

Have a Sunny Day!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Pancake Art Valentine's Day

I recently saw a statistic that showed that people who read their Bible 4 times a week or more were less likely to do things that were morally wrong in God's eyes.

In this survey, those who read their Bible 1-3 times a week didn't see a moral impact on how they lived their lives. Pretty crazy right?!

If you haven't seen my latest video, head on over to my YouTube channel to learn how to make a Valentine's Day pancake!

In this video, I talk about the importance of hiding God's word in our hearts.

To see the video Click HERE

Friday, January 4, 2019

Super Cute!! Pancake Art Cowgirl Tutorial!

I thought it would be fun to share with you the pony pancake art tutorial I created when I threw a cowgirl party for my daughter.

 Pony Pancake Tutorial
Mix up Pancake batter. The recipe is HERE. Divide your batter into the three colors: white (no color), light pink and hot pink (customizable). You will also need washed Popsicle sticks and chocolate chips to make the ponies. Use an electric griddle at 200 degrees that's been lightly greased with vegetable oil.

Using the white batter, draw a horse outline.
Draw the horse bridle with the hot pink batter.

Still using the hot pink batter, draw dots for the mane.
Take the light pink batter and draw dots for the mane in between the hot pink dots.
Draw the horse reins with the hot pink batter. 
Fill in the horse with the white batter.

Flip your pancake when it starts to loose its shine and is bubbly.
 Squirt some white batter and place a Popsicle stick on it.
Squeeze some pancake batter on top of the Popsicle stick.
Place the horse on top of the stick and let it cook to the stick. Sometimes I increase my temperature to 250 degrees to speed this process up.
Add chocolate chips for eyes and the horse reins.

Psalm 59:9 NIV
I watch for you; you, 
O God, are my fortress,
my loving God.