Friday, December 16, 2022

Christmas Pancake Ideas!


Hello Friends! With Christmas only a few days away, I wanted to share some fun Christmas pancake ideas with you. Some of these I made many years ago and don't have links to but I linked to the ones I do have. Hope you feel inspired to make some holiday pancakes!

Candy Canes, Christmas Ornament and Poinsettia

YouTube Christmas Playlist

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Marvel Captain America Pancake Art Tutorial


Hello again friends!

We've been having quite a few snow days recently and my daughter requested that we make a Marvel Captain America Shield in pancake art. It was a fun way to spend a snowy afternoon!

We filmed our pancake day and it's ready to view on YouTube! Click HERE to watch it! Or watch it here:

After the Marvel fun, my daughter had some leftover batter and made a snowman. 

She also made this awesome Captain America snowman (proud Mom moment!). Apparently you can use paint sticks on snow because that's what she used. I was shocked that it actually worked! The Frisbee is supposed to be a shield, just so ya know.

Have a wonderful week!