Pancake Gallery

Here's a few of my favorite pancake art creations....please feel free to share them on your social media sites (for personal use only) but please credit them back to me and my website. Thanks!!!


  1. These are too beautiful to eat... :)

  2. Is the white pancake batter the color of the Krusteaz batter or do you add something to it? I really appreciate your creativity and the Bible lessons that accompany your art...we have 5 grands and use every opportunity to share those lessons with them.

    1. Hi Cynthia! Yes the Krusteaz pancake mix is naturally white as long as you don't cook it on too hot of a griddle. It will start to turn brownish/yellow if it's cooked too long or too hot. Around 200 is good. My kids LOVE playing with pancake art batter and I bet your grand kids would too!
