I thought it would be fun to share with you the pony pancake art tutorial I created when I threw a cowgirl party for my daughter.
Pony Pancake Tutorial
Mix up Pancake batter. The recipe is HERE. Divide your batter into the three colors: white (no color), light pink and hot pink (customizable). You will also need washed Popsicle sticks and chocolate chips to make the ponies. Use an electric griddle at 200 degrees that's been lightly greased with vegetable oil.
Using the white batter, draw a horse outline.
Draw the horse bridle with the hot pink batter.
Still using the hot pink batter, draw dots for the mane.
Take the light pink batter and draw dots for the mane in between the hot pink dots.
Draw the horse reins with the hot pink batter.
Fill in the horse with the white batter.
Flip your pancake when it starts to loose its shine and is bubbly.
Squirt some white batter and place a Popsicle stick on it.
Squeeze some pancake batter on top of the Popsicle stick.
Place the horse on top of the stick and let it cook to the stick. Sometimes I increase my temperature to 250 degrees to speed this process up.
Add chocolate chips for eyes and the horse reins.
Psalm 59:9 NIV
I watch for you; you,
O God, are my fortress,
my loving God.