Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus & How I'm doing

Hi Friends, I just wanted to let you all know that my family and I are doing good. Thank you Jesus! It seems like the news changes minute by minute these days and sometimes I just want to turn it all off. Today I actually did turn my phone off for awhile. It's a LOT to handle!

Last Friday (when Trump announced that our country was in a state of national emergency) my kids and I went shopping to stock up on groceries. I was totally surprised by how many groceries were gone off the shelves last week. I figured by now they would be restocked. So, I went to Walmart yesterday to pick up a few items and was alarmed that it looked like this pretty much everywhere (except for the cookie isle and chips). It was definitely worse than before!

So, we learn to be creative with what we have on hand you know?! God is good. We have plenty food in our cupboards and freezer.  How are you all doing?

This weekend, the Lord led me to the verse (above) and I found it really comforting. We trust in the Lord for our daily bread and he provides. 

Yesterday I was able to get the things I needed at the store (even despite how bare it looked!). When this crisis is over, we will have many miracles of God's provision, help and healing in these troubled times.  

We stand on the Lord's promises to get us through! Please share with me if you have any prayer requests.
