Monday, November 16, 2020

Hope in our Future


Have you ever been let down by someone you really looked up to? I have.....we probably all have. When I was young, I listened to a Christian singer that I just adored. I suppose that I put her on a “perfect Christian pedestal.” Years later she ended up making some big, public mistakes that rocked my world. I realize that we all sin, but I struggled with this. Honestly this made me realize that our hope just can't be in man.

The concept of putting our hope in man has me contemplating the recent elections. Its just been one more stress on us Americans in an already stressful, pandemic ridden, riot filled country. Without getting political here on my blog, I realized that I've been putting my hope for a more peaceful environment on the election results. Have you too? I ran across the above verse in my Bible reading the other morning and it really encouraged my heart.

Our hope is in the Lord and our future is in his hands, not in man. Now that's a reason to rejoice and feel hopeful!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Pancake Art Tutorial: Prayer Sandwich


Our world seems so upside down these days and the importance of prayer has been on my heart lately. My husband and I taught our children the Lord's prayer when they were young (Matthew 6:9-13). It's a wonderful pattern that Jesus taught us for prayer but its not necessarily something that we use frequently. In an effort to teach my kids to use the Lord's prayer as a pattern, I created a prayer sandwich as a fun way to remember it. Each piece of the sandwich is a part of the prayer pattern.

 I just uploaded a new video to my Youtube channel with a tutorial on how to make the sandwich yourself! Click HERE to watch it!

It took a LOT of Pancake art colors!

Bagged up and ready for after school snack

Leftover pancakes for later

Your welcome to print out this Prayer Sandwich for your kids or yourself (I use it too!) 

**Copyrights Jenni Price**



Friday, September 4, 2020

Life & Wild Turkeys

Well I'm back! I know, I know, it's been a very long time since I've shown up on this blog. Life sure looks different these days doesn't it? There's been many blessings along with the difficulties during this time where life has been a mix of quarantine, social distancing and masks.The above verse has been my very favorite since all this craziness broke out last March.

I'm sure many of you will agree with me that you too can think of some good things over the past many months. We've had tons of great family time, playing many games of Monopoly & Scrabble, riding our electric scooters and baking together. 

There's been some days of panic too, I'm not going to lie. School started up for my kids now and there's already several cases of Covid. I've been actively working these past few weeks to fill up my freezer just in case we all get quarantined. The Lord has been faithful during this season. When we've needed something, I've been able to find it in the stores. He's been so good!!

Anyhow, in the midst of all this craziness, fall is starting to happen in our neck of the woods. The leaves are just slightly changing and we've been visited a lot this week by a pack of wild turkeys in our backyard. One of them decided to even take a nap in the yard! This morning after carpool, I saw them hanging out in the neighbor's front yard. Kinda fun to see whose yard the wild turkeys will pick to hang out in next!

All the above photos have been taken around my house.



Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus & How I'm doing

Hi Friends, I just wanted to let you all know that my family and I are doing good. Thank you Jesus! It seems like the news changes minute by minute these days and sometimes I just want to turn it all off. Today I actually did turn my phone off for awhile. It's a LOT to handle!

Last Friday (when Trump announced that our country was in a state of national emergency) my kids and I went shopping to stock up on groceries. I was totally surprised by how many groceries were gone off the shelves last week. I figured by now they would be restocked. So, I went to Walmart yesterday to pick up a few items and was alarmed that it looked like this pretty much everywhere (except for the cookie isle and chips). It was definitely worse than before!

So, we learn to be creative with what we have on hand you know?! God is good. We have plenty food in our cupboards and freezer.  How are you all doing?

This weekend, the Lord led me to the verse (above) and I found it really comforting. We trust in the Lord for our daily bread and he provides. 

Yesterday I was able to get the things I needed at the store (even despite how bare it looked!). When this crisis is over, we will have many miracles of God's provision, help and healing in these troubled times.  

We stand on the Lord's promises to get us through! Please share with me if you have any prayer requests.
